Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Writing prompt inspiring Empathy

     An emersion if a different culture as well as exposure can not only expand your world-view, it also changes the way you ideally think about other culture's of people outside of your set.  Although stereotypes are common, they are the result of a learned behavior.  Many studies suggest that the inclination to stereotype other races is often due to religious beliefs and or lack of exposure to the altruistic.  Imagine you were to submerge yourself in one culture aside from yours for exactly 1 year.  However, this culture would have an entirely different way of communicating, eating, thinking, and all together living; how do you think your idea of that culture would change? Think in terms of the cultures who's ancestors have been ostracized and enslaved due to prejudices against their skin color, religion, and traditions; i.e. Jewish, Muslim, African, Native-America, Hispanic, etc. 
     Write a 3-page essay exploring whether the stereotypes you've come to know are merely prejudices or have honesty behind them; by examining how your friendships, family relationships, stranger interactions, change in linguistics, fears and confidences, as well as religious worship would change, and how you would you feel in the presence of an opposing society.  Provide evidence from 2 secondary sources backing up claims that you make from your learnings.